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OCTOBER 10, 2007

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates (@7:05), Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette, Maria Dell'Ovo (@7:17), Marilynn Foley

Also Present: Cub Scout Members-Troop 175, Town Moderator: George Balko (@7:10)

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Paul welcomed the cub scouts and explained how the Finance Committee operated in relation to the Town Government.

The Town Manager is establishing a new Committee to look into the ambulance service, whether or not to contract it as the town does now or to establish a Town owned ambulance service. Peter volunteered to serve on this Committee as the Finace Committe representative.

Town Moderator, George Balko called the Finance Committee organization meeting to order at 7:10. He spoke to the Cub Scouts about his role in Town Government.

George called for nomination for Finance Committee Officers for the coming year.

On a motion by Al 2nd by Jim, Paul was unanimously elected Chairman, On a motion by Rick 2nd by Peter, Al was unanimously elected Vice Chairman. On a motion by Paul 2nd by Al, Marilynn was unanimously elected Clerk/Secretary.

The Committee will recommend to Moderator, George Balko that Maria be appointed to the IIF.  Paul, Peter and Jim will continue on the IIF.

The Organization meeting adjourned at 7:20.

The committee continued with its regular meeting.

The Committee discussed meeting schedules and it was agreed that Wednesdays were good for most of the Committee. The next 3 meetings will be to discuss budget goals and will be on Oct. 24, Nov. 14 and 28.  Maria will find places for the meetings.

Al has contacted Doug Nelson about the use of the Town Website by the Finance Committee. We would like to be able to put information about the Finance Committee on the Website.

On a motion by Rick 2nd by Maria the Committee unanimously voted to accept the Finance Committee Policies as revised on 10-10-07.

On a motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn the minutes of September 26, 2007 were voted unanimously (abstained Peter, Marilynn).

Jim left at 8:00.

Paul conducted the new member orientation. He explained the budget process. The Town Manager prepares the budget in the fall after input from Department Heads.  The budget becomes the Finance Committee's in February. We meet with the Department Heads and after all the meetings we discuss the budget and prepare to make recommendations at the Annual Town meeting. We also meet with the Holden Representatives of the WRSDC and the Superintendent of the WRSD.

Peter left at 8:40.

On a motion by Paul 2nd by Al the minutes of June 20, 2007 were voted unanimously as amended (abstained Rick, Glenn, Bob).

The meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary